Lichfield District Council Housing Options Service

Social housing in Lichfield District consists of homes owned and managed by Social Housing Providers (Housing Associations). There are no council owned propertied in Lichfield District. The majority of social housing is allocated through the Lichfield District housing register. These homes are let through a Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme called Lichfield District Homes. To be able to express an interest in properties which are available through Lichfield District Homes you need to register online here. For more information about the housing register please visit our website.
Do you already have an account? background image
Do you already have an account? background image

Do you already have an account?

Register as homeless or at threat of homelessness within 56 days background image
Register as homeless or at threat of homelessness within 56 days background image

Register as homeless or at threat of homelessness within 56 days

Lichfield District Homes - Search for and express interest in available properties. background image
Lichfield District Homes - Search for and express interest in available properties. background image

Lichfield District Homes - Search for and express interest in available properties.

Apply here to be considered for inclusion on Lichfield District Councils housing register. background image
Apply here to be considered for inclusion on Lichfield District Councils housing register. background image

Apply here to be considered for inclusion on Lichfield District Councils housing register.

Public Bodies and Wider Agencies referrals background image
Public Bodies and Wider Agencies referrals background image

Public Bodies and Wider Agencies referrals

Public bodies and Wider agencies for sending s213b Duty to Refer homeless referrals to Local Authorities